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Violations and Penalties List

Violations and Penalties List
List of sanctions applied to violations of Game rules and processes on the project RPG-Club "Russia"

General Provisions

  • The kind and duration of imposed sanction for a particular violation shall be defined by Administration solely. The decision is made by Administration taking into consideration certain circumstances of the committed violation (submission of claims by other Users in respect of this violation, repeated commission, degree of danger etc.) At its discretion, the Administration has the right to apply a softer sanction or reduce the term of the ban* of User's character/account.
  • All the listed violations committed in respect of Administration’s representatives are punished with game account blocking (up to permanent blocking).
  • The User is notified and agrees that when contacting technical support at http://support.rpg-club.org/ on the loss of game items, Administration is entitled to apply technical blocking of involved character / game accounts and/or seizure of in-game items, including game currency, involved into the supposed violation for up to 14 days for investigation. Temporary technical blocking is possible to investigate other violations. The administration does not guarantee a positive result of the investigation. The user is notified and agrees that game values that have a limited expiration period are not restored at the end of the technical blocking period, and their expiration period is not extended for the period of the technical blockade at the end of it.
  • The absence of a prohibited Game error in the Section "Precedents" does not mean that the Administration can not apply sanctions for using Game errors not listed in this section.

1. Use of swear words and insults

Violation Sanction
Use of swear words in common game chats. From 1 hour chat ban to 24 hours game account blocking.
Public insult using swear words, insults related to the User’s real life, insult of his/her family and relatives, provocative messages in common game chats, character names, titles, clan & alliance names, party matching room names and private store descriptions, dissemination of confidential or knowingly false information about another User. From 5 hours chat ban to 24 hours game account blocking.
Use of swear words and/or insults in hero chat. From 10 hours chat ban to 3 days game account blocking.
Use of swear words in character name/clan & alliance name/pet name/title/party matching room name/private store messages. Change of character name/clan name, from 1 to 10 days game account blocking.
Use of swear words in applicatiobs to support system at [url=http://support.rpg-club.org/]http://support.rpg-club.org/[/url], as well as when addressing the Administration by other means provided for in the User Agreement. Game account blocking from 1 day to permanent.

2. Pretending to be related to Administration

Violation Sanction
Use of words related to Administration in character name / title, including for the purpose of gaining a game advantage and / or game values. Change of character name / title, from 1 day to permanent game account blocking, seizure of all received items / advantages.
Use of words related to Administration in clan name. Change of clan name, from 1 day to permanent game account blocking.
Pretending to be the Administration’s representative. From 1 day to permanent game account blocking.

3. Threats

Threats of harm and physical violence, including in address of representatives of the Administration. From 5 hours chat ban to 30 days game account blocking.

4. Propaganda

Violation Sanction
Morality insult, propaganda of hatred and/or of race, ethnic, sex, religious, social discrimination, disrespectful attitude towards culture, race, nation, language, politics and political order, ideology. From 5 hours chat ban to 30 days game account blocking.


Violation Sanction
Distribution of advertising information in any form including web-links. From 1 day to permanent game account blocking.
The anti-advertising of the project RPG-club "Russia", the dissemination of deliberately false information about the project, as well as any information capable of discrediting the project and the Administration in the general and hero chats of the Game. From 1 day to permanent chat / game account blocking.
Distribution of advertising information (information about products, goods and services), promotion of porn sites and resources containing any information related to prohibited goods and other hazardous substances, information defaming morality as well as commitment of any actions forbidden under the applicable legislation. From 1 day to permanent game account blocking.[
Promotion of information concerning third-party software for games (for example cheating programs, bots), malicious software. From 1 day to permanent game account blocking.

6. Use of game errors (bugs)

Violation Sanction
Use of game errors to get in-game advantage, items or in-game currency (errors in quest rewarding system, in quests malfunction or errors related to selling, buying and disposal of items, geodata bugs). Warning \ from 3 to 30 days game account blocking and seizure of received items / removal of received advantages.
Use of game errors without getting any advantages or in-game items. From warning to 7 days game account blocking,
Receipt of in-game items received as a result of use of game errors by another the User. Gaining benefit from use of game errors by another the User. Warning \ from 3 to 30 days game account blocking and seizure of received items / removal of received advantages.

7. Use of 3rd party software (cheating)

Violation Sanction
Use or claims\attempts to use software and devices emulating the User control over characters in the game, game client modification, unauthorized access to server, getting access to the game code. ИUsing trade bot bot.rpg-club.org for purposes other than ingame trade. Game account blocking from 3 to 7 days at first violation, from 7 to 14 days at second violation and up to 30 days without paid unban available at further violations , seizure of received items / removal of received advantages.
Modification of the Game Client, that is, actions aimed at opening the technology, decompiling, parsing or some other way of extracting the Game Client source code; actions for making any changes to the source code, changing the functionality of the Game Client, as well as on obtaining access to the server software of the Game and / or server packets substitution (including, but not limited to, hlapeks, L2packetHack), as well as the above-mentioned actions to obtain access and interference with the technical protection tools used by the Administration, with the exception of modifications that do not give the Game Client additional advantages (for example, changing the color of system messages, the scrolling range, setting the Nobless buff into the category of debuffs). Game account blocking from 7 days to permanent, seizure of received items / removal of received advantage.
Getting advantages in the game (in-game items, experience, skill points) as a result of third-party software use by another User Game account blocking from 3 to 7 days at first violation, from 7 to 14 days at second violation and up to 30 days without paid unban available at further violations, eizure of received items / removal of received advantages.
Use or claims\attempts to use third-party software disrupting functioning of technical protection facility for copyright of the Game (for example substituting network packets) Game account blocking from 7 days to permanent.
Buying/Getting of in-game items acquired as a result of violation of the license agreements, including due to violation of the license agreements by other Users. Cancellation of the in-game transaction and return of in-game values / in-game currency to the seller / buyer (at the discretion of the Administration). Game account blocking up to 30 days is possible.
Commitment of deliberate actions that result in server failure. Permanent game account blocking.

8. Other Users’ account use

Violation Sanction
Transfer by any means of registration data to another User and / or other third parties, including sale, purchase, exchange of registration data, receipt and / or use of the registration information of another User, including the use of an account by more than one person, and / or providing access to the account to third parties, including the provision of a login / password. At the discretion of the Administration - from blocking an account of a person whose account is used by more than one person for 7 - 30 days, as well as from blocking the account of a person who has access to an account of another User for 7 - 30 days, including the withdrawal of gaming values obtained as a result of such transfer / access. It is also possible to refuse any analysis of disputable situations.

9. Selling and buying of in-game items

Violation Sanction
Distribution of information about selling/buying of items, in-game currency (adena), or other benefits, character powerleveling for non-ingame funds, attempts of selling or buying of characters (regardless the result of such attempts). Game account blocking from 3 to 7 days at first violation, from 7 to 14 days at second violation and up to 30 days without paid unban available at further violations. Seisure of any sold items is possible.
Distribution of information about selling/buying bonus- and invite-codes. Game account clocking from 3 days to permanent.
Selling or buying of in-game items for not in-game funds or funds not provided for the current game project. Game account blocking from 3 to 7 days at first violation, from 7 to 14 days at second violation and up to 30 days without paid unban available at further violations , withdrawal of sold or purchased game values (without considering that they could be modified after purchase).In case of detection of the purchase of game currency all adena is withdrawn. Characters below level 40 will be blocked indefinitely with the full withdrawal of game values that are on them.
Selling or buying of character \ game account for not in-game funds or funds not provided for the current game project. Game account blovking from 3 to 7 days at first violation, from 7 to 14 days at second violation and up to 30 days without paid unban available at further violations.
Giving of false information to the Administration (Innova) in order to gain benefit Game account blocking from 3 days to permanent.



Precedent Violation Sanction
Use of error of displaying messages of two trading shops in one point. It is forbidden to open several trading shops by characters with similar names at the same point in order to substitute a message about the sale with a message about the purchase or vice versa. Blocking of account for 7 days with withdrawal of all game received values (including game currency). It is possible to apply sanctions to the main character of the User who violated this rule of the Game.
Using the error of opening a trading store without the funds to buy items. It is forbidden to open a store without funds to buy items. Blocking of account for 7 days with withdrawal of all game received values (including game currency). It is possible to apply sanctions to the main character of the User who violated this rule of the Game.
Use of geodata error in the area of the Tower of Insolence. It is forbidden to attack a monster of the category Raid Boss Baium through the door, without entering the zone of its location. When located outside the Baium area, it is forbidden to use reinforcing skills, group healing and resurrection skills to characters in the monster's location. In turn, the characters in the Baium area are prohibited from confirming the resurrection from players outside the zone. Account blocking from 7 to 30 days. It is possible to apply sanctions to the main character of the User who violated this rule of the Game.
Extension of the maximum allowed time for the raid. It is forbidden to extend the maximum allowable time for the raid by re-login the character. The withdrawal of game values obtained as a result of the raid, it is possible to use additional sanctions in the form of blocking the character from 1 to 7 days.
Drive monsters into the city and siege zones. It is forbidden to bring into cities and zones of siege monsters of the category Raid Boss and Raid Fighter for the purpose of imposing a negative effect on the characters "Raid Curse". Account blocking from 7 to 30 days. It is possible to apply sanctions to the main character of the User who violated this rule of the Game.
Use of the skill error at the Olympiad. It is forbidden to use at the Olympiad skills that allow you to leave the Olympic Stadium before the end of the fight. Account blocking from 7 to 10 days.
The character's participation in someone else's fight at the Olympiad. It is forbidden to participate in a battle in the arena of the Olympic Stadium by a character without registration as a participant with the help of the game functionality. Account blocking from 1 to 30 days (depending on the extent of the character's involvement in the fight).
Removing the negative effect "Raid Curse" with the help of a duel. It is forbidden to remove the negative effect imposed by monsters of the Raid Boss category for the difference in levels between the character and the boss himself, using the game duel functionality. Account blocking from 1 to 7 days.
Use Wyvern on the siege of the castle or fortress. It is forbidden to use the Wyvern to land in the defending zone, including buildings (roofs of buildings, walls, towers), during the siege of the castle or fortress. Account blocking from 1 to 7 days.
se of bugs during the game for Hot Springs Clan Hall. It is forbidden to inflict damage to Hot Springs Pumpkin in any way other than through specially provided game items. Account blocking from 1 to 7 days.
The use of the error when character's invisibility to monsters does not fall off during the attack. It is forbidden to receive a non-removable effect of the character's invisibility for monsterskeep the effect of character's invisibility to monsters does not fall off during the attack From the warning to blocking the character for up to 7 days.
Use of game errors during the Siege of Fortress It is forbidden to attack the Mercenary Captain from the resurrection zone of the defenders of the Fortress. In the case of capture - the transfer of the fortress to the possession of the NPC. Account blocking from 1 to 7 days.
Use of game errors during the Siege of Fortress It is forbidden to capture the Fortress outside the zone with the flagpole. In the case of capture - the transfer of the fortress to the possession of the NPC. Account blocking from 1 to 7 days.
Self-canceling the enhancement effects of the "Party Protection" and "Celestial Party Protection" skills to avoid the addition of the "Lingering Protection" effect. It's forbidded to self-cancel the enhancement effects of the "Party Protection" and "Celestial Party Protection" skills to avoid the addition of the "Lingering Protection" effect. Account blocking from 1 to 7 days.
Using geodata errors in the locations of the village of Kaynak and Parnassus. It is forbidden to use geodata errors in order to gain invulnerability for characters in combat or chaotic state, and / or are members of a clan in a state of war. Account blocking from 1 to 7 days.
Use of geodata error in the Raid Boss zone "Lindvior". It is forbidden to attack a monster of the category Raid Boss Lindvior through the door, without entering the zone of its location. When located outside the Lindvior area, it is forbidden to use reinforcing skills, group healing and resurrection skills to characters in the monster's location. In turn, the characters in the Lindvior area are prohibited from confirming the resurrection from players outside the zone Account blocking from 7 to 30 days. It is possible to apply sanctions to the main character of the User who violated this rule of the Game.
Intentional transfer of Grand Olympiad points. It is forbidden by any means to conduct Grand Olympiad battles between characters controlled by the same player, as well as to conduct contractual battles with other players in order to transfer Great Olympics points in favor of a previously agreed character. It is forbidden to intentionally quit the game at the beginning of Grand Olympiad battle. A ban on participating in the Grand Olympiad for those who intentionally lose fights. Revealed by the statistics of past periods.

* Paid removal of the imposed sanctions is possible in all cases, unless specified otherwise. Permanent banimplies the impossibility of a paid removal.

** Common chats include: all, !shout, +trade. Rules of communication in private chat rooms(#party, @clan, $alliance) are established and regulated by the head of the party, clan or alliance, respectively.

*** This list of errors in the Game is incomplete and will be completes by the Administration as soon as any errors that may prevent the normal operation of the Game and the conduct of the Game Process are revealed. The absence of a Game error in the list below does not mean that the Administration can not use sanctions against use of Game errors that were not detected at the time of their use and not included in this list.

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Идентификатор статьи: 59
Дата добавления: 2020-08-24 17:02:03
Просмотры: 747
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